Synonyms situation
These are all words for the conditions and facts that are connected with and affect the way things are.
situation all the things that are happening at a particular time and in a particular place:
the present economic situation
circumstances the facts that are connected with and affect a situation, an event or an action; the conditions of a person’s life, especially the money they have:
The ship sank in mysterious circumstances.
position the situation that somebody is in, especially when it affects what they can and cannot do:
She felt she was in a position of power.
conditions the circumstances in which people live, work or do things; the physical situation that affects how something happens:
We were forced to work outside in freezing conditions.
circumstances or conditions?
Circumstances refers to somebody’s financial situation; conditions are things such as the quality and amount of food or shelter they have. The circumstances that affect an event are the facts surrounding it; the conditions that affect it are usually physical ones, such as the weather.
things (rather informal) the general situation, as it affects somebody:
Hi, Jane! How are things?
Think things over before you decide.
the case the true situation:
If that is the case (= if the situation described is true), we need more staff.
state of affairs a situation:
How did this unhappy state of affairs come about?
situation or state of affairs?
State of affairs is mostly used with this. It is also used with adjectives describing how good or bad a situation is, such as happy, sorry, shocking, sad and unhappy, as well as those relating to time, such as present and current. Situation is much more frequent and is used in a wider variety of contexts.
in (a) particular situation/circumstances/position/state of affairs
the/somebody’s economic/financial/social situation/circumstances/position/conditions
(a/an) happy/unhappy situation/circumstances/position/state of affairs
to look at/review the situation/the circumstances/the conditions/things